Friday, March 25, 2005

Well I added three new photos to myportfolio. Two of Fleck (on the animals page), and one of a random scene (on the places page)
that I took the other morning when I was bored and looking for photos....

Fleckis causing havoc as I type, mainly by pressing enter by standing on itand giving me huge page breaks in the middle of words! She's now tryingto stand on my very rounded curvy mouse, and slipping straight backdown the other side! lol!

Anyway, not alot to update. Gypsy fairwas on today, was wet and very soggy underfoot, but I wore my gumbootsso was quite happy! Mum bought me and her a poncho each, it's*gorgeous*,hand made in equador or something, from alpaca fleece, Ilove it!

Didn't work the horses today, too wet and soggy, and besides, the gypsy fair was calling! hehe.

Oh,andI just removed the carriage driving link on my site. I started by justtrying to edit it, but I butchered it and realised I hadn't really leftmuch of the original page left, so I think it sorta needs a majoroverhaul!! I'll re-do it and get it back up soon.

I also removed the chickens link. There wasn't much on it, and we've given them away now....

All the other pages have been updated a bit.

Check out the new photos, I'll keep it updated on here when there's new ones added.



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