Monday, March 28, 2005

I am stuffed.
Had the show today, and Ifeel like it was a waste of time, but atleast we got out of the entryfees by saying we didn't want the prizemoney, so it didn't waste mymoney as well!

There was three of us and 6 classes. I got 6 third place ribbons.

Meh, I won heaps on my last show, and sometimes ya win and sometimes yaloose,but it still sucks, and I don't think I've lost *everything*before. I usually at least get a couple of different coloured ribbons.I never had a chance with that horse and that cart anyway. Of course noone else cared, they got 1st and 2nd, and the two wide ribbons (champand reserve champ).

Then my horse spooked hugely with the pipe band drums in the grandparade, we went for a nice weegallop before I managed to pull him up.*sigh*

My grandad had a dizzy spell, went to the hospital, isok,but has irregular heartbeat so they're thinking of a pacemaker orsomething.

I'm feeling tired, stressed, worried and totally dead on my seat.

I'm stuffing chocolate into my face as fast as it goes down..... Yes, it does help.


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