Thursday, March 31, 2005

ok, so i'm just randomly bored now.

Yesterday I went to see Milka. I milked her out as she had a fulludder. I thought she'd only have a litre or two. But no wonder Tipster(her calf) was so huge, she gave us 6 litres! The brat was stilldrinking 6 litres a day! It was good to see her and milk her, even ifit did get me blisters on my palms! I used to have hard calose (sp?)bits there when I hand milked all the time, but it's been so longtheyr'e gone, so now I have wee blisters! I still love hand milkingthough, even if it hurts and is akward!
We trimmed her tail too, it was long enough to drag on the ground, andremembering Dot (Milka's mum) who had gotten stressed and worried andactually ripped the end of her tail off by standing ont he tip, wedecided we'd just trim afew inches off the end! We also drenched Milka.I miss her. But I'm going to so out tomorrow as well. Her owner isgoing to have a go at milking her today.

The tart managed to jump the gate last night though. The gate that's astall as her! Her poor owners weren't prepared, and got the neighbour into help rig up some electric tape to stop her, only she went throughthat too. So they put up wire instead, and she got a good zap from thatand has left the gate alone since. Poor thing, I feel bad because Ireally didn't think she'd jump that high! I hope she'll be ok andsettle in quickly, because this isn't a great introduction to cows forthe new owners!!!

I finished my easter choccy just now. Fleck got a crumb of it the otherday and has been trying her hardest to intercept it on the way to mymouth ever since!

We went and saw our new house the other day again. Met the people whowe're buying it off. It was great, they've been there nearly 40 years,so it was good to know all the little quirks and stuff with the house.My room is bigger than I had remembered it, so that's great! I can'twait to get there now, only 16 days to go!!!!


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