Monday, April 11, 2005

Slept in until 10am, then went and bought a bundle of 10 electric fence temporary standard thingys, and headed up to Johanna and Neils, where Ed will be going.
Johanna had today off, so worked out great! Neil was busy polishing their new ute, so I took Johanna down to the supermarket, and took a detour around past our new place so she could see!

Then we moved the trough through the fence, filled it (a long process involving hold my thumb on the other hole so it'd go the right way...) sorted a small patch with the fence standards I'd just bought, got the battery electric fence thing and hooked it up, tryed again, and evetually got it working. Ed has a new wee spot all ready for him when we take him tomorrow! :D

We'll go and buy a reel of tape and some more standards and we'll fix it so we can break/strip feed him (WAY too much grass for a fat boy at once!) but at least there's a wee patch for him for now.

Still trying to chase up the saddlery warehouse about the carts, I've had no reply to my last two emails! grr

I'm going to see what editing I can do with this blog.... could be fun!

Mum is out picking up Kenneth from someone's house, and is coming home with fish and chips. Yay, I'm hungry! hehe!

only 4 days till settlement, 5 till we move!!! I'm hoping they get the settlement done asap on friday, so we get the keys and can go to the house! I'm probably going to move the rats and Fleck on friday, along with anything else I want to, maybe even the computer, and then everyone else can move everything else with the gig trailer and cars and stuff.... Mum wants to be here, and me to be there, so that with the number of people going backwards and fowards, that we both know what things go where, so can sort it all!! The mum can load, and I'll unload, and hopefully it'll all be done in a couple of hours!! *woot*


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