Sunday, April 03, 2005

WHAT happened to summer!? I don'tthinkwehad one this year.... ok, os we had a month of summer a whileback,butthat's it. It's sorta sunny right now, but it feels like wintercosthesun isn't hot...

I'm bored. I have no money so I can't afford to go out and work the horses today, maybe tomorrow. Grr.

Wentoutlast night to the pubs, haven't been out in months. I'mnotmissinganything! It was good to get out, but yeah, went homefairlyearly cosit was boring.

13 days until we move!!!!!

Blossomisgoing to her new home thurs or fri. Dunno when we'll take Edtoourfreinds, but that's not a hassle at all cos it's only 10 minsaway.Thechickens will be leaving when we get around to it, hopefullythisweekso we can clean out their shed this weekend. Then it's only acaseofsorting stuff to be moved in 13 days! yay!

Can you believemymost exciting thing today was uploading the photosfrom my cameraandfinding that I *LOVE* them! hehe. I got bored at mydad's, andtookphotos of the open fire...... All I can say is WOW! Ilove theeffect Igot.....


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