Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm just feeling good. No paticular reason.

I went for a 40 min walk with the dogs, it's blustery and cold, but wasquite refreshing to walk in, it wasn't too warm and it wasn't raining!I LOVE the gentle leaders I got them last week though, it makes such adifference in going for a walk!!! Neither of our dogs drag you alongthe footpath. They're both fairly well behaved, and will walk with youfine. But they would keep aconstant pressure on the lead. Riki, my wee foxy girl, would pull quitea bit, but being so little you can be inclined to not worry about it,as it doesn't drag you or anything. But it's darn annoying! One big dogkeeping up pressure, and a little one jerking about the place. It was'ok', but not ideal. Now we're moving to a town house, we won't havethe paddocks to run the dogs in, so we're going to have to take upwalking more. So I figured I'd buy a pair of gentle leaders. I wasactually going to buy Haltis, I don't know why but I thought I preferedthem, even though they're the same thing just different brands!!
In the shops, gentle leaders are $33 and $34 (small size and mediumsize) but I found them online for $20 each, so stopped 'thinking' aboutgetting them, and blimmin well GOT them!! lol! A purple one for Riki,and a blue one for Lucy. :)
First walk with them, and both dogs were dancing a bit, they justdidn't know what the heck was happening with their noses! I did a fewadjustments along the way too, as it was a little tight on them forthem to open their mouths properly to pant, but that was easy fixed.After some dancing, they walked along fine. Still some pressure though,but better than it had ever been, yay!
Second walk, much the same, with less dancing. Then all of a sudden itclicked! They were walking on a totally loose lead right beside me! YAY!
The third walk today was just as good. Still the dancing (even breiferthis time though) and the pressure (again, less this time) and then theloose lead. It just makes it soooooooooooooo much nicer to walk them! Like I said,they were never horrible to walk, just annoying so you didn't reallywant to walk them lots. But wow, I'm really happy to walk them now,it's just so EASY. I get to walk along as if I'm alone and havenothing. Just swing my arms and walk, while the dogs come too. I'mloving it!

Went out and milked Milka today. Dunno why, but it was just really niceand easy today. Maybe she let down for me well or something, but itjust worked out well!

Went and saw Margaret who came hjome lsat night, it was good to see heragain. I helped her put afew horses up online for sale....

Just had a good day....


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