Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Well, it's been a while! Had alot happening, and didn't feel like sharing it on here.

We've had the dreaded strangles go through margaret's horses. It's been nasty, but we haven't lost any of the horses, so I guess that's a good thing! They're getting their second jab on thursday.

I'm going to auckland to look after a freinds house for a while in a week. Exciting but nerve wreaking too! I'm not sure how long I'll be up there, but I'll have a nosy for jobs and see what the market is like up there, and ya never know...

It was me and Dave's two year anniversary yesterday! *woo*

I bought a wee external hard drive and it arrived yesterday. It now has all (1.3GB) of my photos on it, plus stuff I want to take with me to auck.

But my favorite news is what Dave got me as a pressie yesterday;
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Yep, a tattoo! I've wanted one for years. I haven't know what I've wanted or where, but I've known I wanted one. Dave knew too, and so he got me this for our anniversary! Isn't he awesome!!!!!

Because I've wanted one for ages, I've looked at different ideas online. When I saw a design I liked, I saved it. Every now and again I'd go through my stash of tattoo designs, any that didn't grab me as awesome, I deleted. I figured if I was gonna get a tattoo, it had to be something I really liked, and still really liked 3 years later! Ok, so I didn't have the pics for three years, but I have had some for over a year. The dragon is one I've had for at least 6 months, and he's one of the few that I have kept. The others I still liked, but I didn't really like them, so I got rid of them.

I am in love with this tattoo! He's my first, but I doubt he'll be my last, he's *awesome*!! I can't get enough of him, and keep looking at him! hehe. I only got him yesterday, so he's still touchy and red and tender (feels a bit like sun burn...) He looks *great* when I give him a wash and he's all clean and clear. His wing is still oozing blood a little, but not as much as yesterday. He gets a bit more messy through the day, I put moisturiser on him and stuff, but he looks amazing when clean and washed. Can't wait for him to heal, but I'll look after him until he has! hehe. *bounces*