Monday, April 25, 2005

Ho Hum.
ANZAC day today, wear a poppy, "Lest We Forget" and all that jazz. Public holiday anyway, so slept in with Dave! hehe

Been a rather 'meh' day. Had KFC for breakfast/lunch, been at home hanging around not doing much.

Went up to see Ed and clean out his paddock, only to find Rebbecca walking him out the gate!! Bloody hell. She had rung me (never met her, just a freind of Johanna, who's grazing him for me) and asked if she could muck around with him IN THE PADDOCK and put her 18 month old son on him or something. I said it was fine. But taking him out, without asking me, just whenever she wants.... It really grated me and I'm too nice to say "piss off and leave MY horse alone!" Anyway, she said how she was just going to take him for a walk along the road. So I said how I had come to long rein him along the road, and so got him back off her before they got anywhere. And so, I long reined him along the road for a bit, went for a wee jog with him (whew, I need to get fitter!) and had fun. Rebbecca was pulling away as we were nearly back, so I was happy. Until I got back.... Johanna, who had just seen off Rebbecca, then said how it'd be great for Ed to go to pony club and do stuff like that, Rebbecca will be able to do that. And she wants to take him to *somewhere* (didn't catch where) with her. If I want of course! I said no, I'd rather she didn't actually, I'd rather he stayed here with me!! (yay for me! I said "NO" for a change! lol)
Anyway, Johanna is great, and I like her and all, but she really grated me too. She how it'd be good for kept saying how it'd be good for Ed to go out and do more and how he'd love it and it's be sooooo good for him, because I can't do stuff every day with him, and he could do more then, and do stuff he's never done before and he'll never get a chance otherwise, and it's a great idea!
Ed is my horse and I said NO! I only can't come and see him every day at her place because it absolutly eats my petrol going up that hill all the time and I can't afford it! And if Rebbecca wants to have a little horse for her son so much, she should buy one herself, there's lots of them around and they're a pretty decent price too! *sigh* Ok, I'm being selfish, but dammit he's my horse and I'm allowed! He's the only thing I have left, I had to sell my cow and the chooks and Blossom, Ed is still mine!
She asked if she could play with him in the paddock. She never asked if she could take him out. She never rang up to arrange to take him out or anything. Just because he's at someone elses house, doesn't mean they have the right to just do what they want with him without talking to me! Oh, I know she won't take him to pony club or whatever without asking me, but now I'm really worried... where will she draw the line if she said the paddock before, but is taking him along the road now...? I hate assumptions, she obviously assumes it's fine. *sigh*

Annnyway! A freind had said afew times how there was a lady up the road from here that might be able to graze him. I'd said it doesn't really matter, because I already had grazing for him sorted. But then last week, I was thinking otherwise when I realised the amount of petrol I was using! Today has made me want him closer as well, so I rang them, and got the lady's number and then rang her. Her name is Rachel, she lives about 2 mins up the hill, and has an art gallery there. I talked to her, she has a donkey of her own, and there's a shetland grazing there and someone else is getting a horse who'll graze there, but she thinks Ed would be ok there too. I'm going to go and see her tomorrow anyway, so we'll see.
If I can move Ed there, it'd be brillient, I won't use up so much petrol, so even if she asks for some payment, I'll still be saving! :D AND, it'll hopefully mean Rebbecca will leave him alone or at least I'll have more say with her not knowing Rachel... And like I said, I really like Johanna, so I really don't want to stuff up anything there!! I know she thinks it's a great idea, but I don't, and I don't want to be making things akward, so I think it might be best for him to move anyway... If this grazing with Rachel doesn't work out, I might go door knocking, there's alot of paddocks just up the hill that'd be really handy, and someone might not mind a wee horse in one!

I talked to the saddlery warehouse last week about the carts they're getting in. They were rather unhelpful, but then I've found out more from a freind, so I'm going to ring them again tomorrow and see what else I can get from them! A cart for Ed would be just awesome!!! I'd have to adapt his harness, but I think I could do it... Long reining is great, but really I'm not as fit as I could be and can only jog for half a km before going back to a walk! Ed could trot for 5 km probably, and he could DO with trotting for 5km to loose some weight!!

Also tomorrow I've got an appointment with WINZ. They might put me on a course or something, we'll see. It's about time I got off my ass anyway!

So, tomorrow I'll ring the saddlery warehouse, and go to WINZ. I might buy some wormer for Ed, and I need a light bulb for the lamp in my room, so I should get that too. Then I'll be meeting Rachel and seeing her place and if it'll be any good for Ed! :)

Oh! I added a shoutbox on my website too! People will be able to post messages on it randomly! cool hu... Thanks to Nutmeg who found it for me, it was easy and fast, and is awesome! hehehehe.

Whew! Marathon typing!!!! lol!!


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