Thursday, May 12, 2005

Woo! I found my calender and put it up today!
lol. Simple pleasures.

Even better though, I put up some of my ribbons the other day! only 44 of them, but it's a start! I had been trying all sorts of ways to put them up, but nothing was working how I wanted it to. Mum came up with an idea, and it's working brilliently!! I love it, it looks GREAT!
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Now just to get the other 123 of them up...

Annnnnnnyway. Me and CJ have been walking the boys every day except in the weekend (she walked Gollum, but I wasn't around to walk Ed) We went for a walk up a track in the bush, it's bloody steep going up, but is brillient fun to run down again!!! It's a good 40-50 min walk too, so it's good for all of us!

It was mothers day last sunday. I only got mum some chocolate and snifters (mmmmmmmmm, snifters.....) The kids think I didn't get her anything though, cos I didn't give it to her in bed in the morning when they gave her theirs! I just didn't want the kids to steal half her choccy and lollies, so gave it to her when she got up and left the kids in bed :p

I'm touch typing now. I've been able to do it fairly well for ages, but I'm in the habit of looking at the keyboard anyway. I hardly look at the keyboard, but I do look. I'm a pretty quick typer (or I'd get awfully bored with all this typing I do!) when I look at the keyboard, but I always end up with stupid typos like thsia dn liek thsi. hehehe! My fingers just get ahead of myself sometimes, so I'm gonna try to touch type so that I can look at the screen and see any mistakes I make as I make them, and so be able to fix them! wow, this is fun! hehehe.

Ok, no plans for today. I might go have breakfast and take Fleck with me. Got a doctors appointment tomorrow. Will walk the boys today, and probably tomorrow. Going to have fish and chips and donalds with dad tomorrow too, dunno if i'll stay with dad or not tho. I should at least go see him on saturday, cos I haven't seen much of him in a while!!!

I'm so chuffed about my ribbons still, just wait until I get all 163 up!!!!


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