Friday, April 29, 2005

Ok, it's entierly done and sorted and hopefully no more worried about it at all!!!!

Ed is very happy there, I can see him and Gollum (the shetland) becoming tight freinds, Oscar the donkey will make them the three musketeers! lol!! A grey donkey, bay shetland, and white (or supposed to be) mini, all of a similar size, they look neat out there!!

When we picked up Ed form Johannas, she wasn't there but Neil was. Loaded him up fine, went back to ask where his cover was, found it (on the ground outside soaking wet and smelling horrible *sigh*) then said to neil on the way back pst the houe that I'd come clean up the last of Ed's poo either that afternoon, or the next day at the latest...

Took him to his new home, let him go and he took off to scope out the new paddock. Gollum and Oscar wanted him to tlak to the, but he ignored them and walked around, they were hard on his heels and trying to stop him! lol! I set up the automatic payment for Rachel straight away so neither of us have to worry about it, she'll always get payed.

Got Benji to come up last night and have a look at the cart with me, the tires are a bit haddit, and one wheel needs looked at, but the whole things is pretty solid otherwise! It's awfully heavy, but once it's running it'll be good enough to play with before the SW cart arrives!

We went out yesterday afternoon, and didn't get back until tea time, when I took Ben up to see the cart, so I didn't get the time to go clean up Ed's poo at Johannas, so I planned to do it today, as I had told Neil. Got a message on the answer phone last night from Johanna asking when I'd come and clean up Ed's poo........ *sigh* I went and cleaned it up today as promised anyway. I was incredibly thorough, and didn't leave any behind, I'm sure. I don't want any problems!! I also pulled down the wee fence we had at first, made of my electric fence standards, gave back her one we'd also used, and the tape (propped them up by the main gate anyway; she'd left by then) and took my 10 that I'd bought. I sure hope she doesn't take that badly, they were always mine!

But anyway, it's all done now!! No more worries! :D :D I might just mention to Rachel though that if a Rebbecca turns up, then she's not allowed to know where Ed's halter is. She can pat and cuddle in the paddock, but no halter... Just in case!

I'm going to go see him tonight before heading 3 houses down the road (form where Ed is) to Donalds with dad for fish and chips! hehe.