Sunday, April 24, 2005

zzzzz, I feel like falling asleep now. I will soon, it's after 1am.

Had a BRILLIENT day though!

Last night, I stayed at Margarets, and this morning I got up at 6:30am to feed the 3 horses and sort stuff out, and by 7:30am we had everything loaded and we were on the road for invercargil. We took Flash, Legend, and Dude. We stopped at Michaels to drop of harness and gig bits, and to pick up Bubbles, who has been at the stud for ages, and Snip, who we just bought. We also bought his covers and gorgeous harness! (note now we have 5 horses on the truck... we left home with 3...)

Anyway, we then hurried out to (a different) Margarets and picked up our new colt we'd bought; Heart Breaker (six horses!) then hurried back to the racecourse to get there right on time at 12 noon.

Threw covers off, and harness on, and put on my colours/silks and we warmed up. Walked around the birdcage and sorted our order and stuff while waiting for our cue, then headed out. After more warming up and stuff, we went around the track to the far side; 500 metres from the finish line. Last years winner had a 20m handycap, and the rest of us except the single category A had a 10m handycap. I was third from the rail. They waved the flag, I happened to be glancing at something as it waved, so took off a tad after, but only a slight bit, because Flash started running when everyone around him suddenly moved! hehe. Took a bit to pull him back, because he didn't realise why everyone had suddenly run, I dunno maybe he thought we were all running FROM something and it need a full out gallop..... Anyway, pulled him back to a canter and then to a trot. I had to saw his mouth to do it though, he was fully prepared to just run! He broke from a trot to a canter about 4 times there in the start, but each time was shorter, until he remembered all that training and that he's only to trot, and if he trots, he gets to go as fast as he wants and NO pulling on his mouth... soooooo, he got into a realy nice fast trot and pulled ahead with another mini, catching up to the categoryA one, I was on the outside of the bend, the catA on the inside ahead, and the other mini inside me, she pulled out to go around him, as did I, as we were gaining on him. His horse pulled away from the rail, the horse inside me went for the gap, the gap on teh rail got wider so me and Flash pushed through, and that was the last I saw of anyone, as we were then ahead and just hooning along the straight and I wasn't looking back to see how close others were! I won the race!

I have been buzzing about it all day, just made me feel sooooo great! We saw the prizes before the race so we could choose when the race was done (1st place got first choice, 2nd got second pick, etc) and I picked a horse head hanging thingy with hooks.... looked neat, and all the other choices were FOR horses (hay bag, wormer, whip, cover, etc) and I did like the horse head thingy.... There was a trophy, not sure if it's for Margaret (being the owner) or me (being the driver) but I'll know tomorrow. Everyone got a beenie and prize money/vouchers (1st, 2nd, 3rd got more I think...?) and a choice in the prizes. Margaret will get the prize money, I'll get my prize I chose and the beenie, we'll see with the trophy. Who cares; I WON! :D :D

Anyway, we unloaded the 6 horses and left basicly, we'll unpack the truck tomorrow. I left, came home, got ready, and then we had our housewarming party! Was great, me and mum have worked out there was at least 27 people who came, although some only popped in and left again!! It was a succesful night though, and now I'm TIIIIIIIIIIIRED.



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