Thursday, March 31, 2005

ok, so i'm just randomly bored now.

Yesterday I went to see Milka. I milked her out as she had a fulludder. I thought she'd only have a litre or two. But no wonder Tipster(her calf) was so huge, she gave us 6 litres! The brat was stilldrinking 6 litres a day! It was good to see her and milk her, even ifit did get me blisters on my palms! I used to have hard calose (sp?)bits there when I hand milked all the time, but it's been so longtheyr'e gone, so now I have wee blisters! I still love hand milkingthough, even if it hurts and is akward!
We trimmed her tail too, it was long enough to drag on the ground, andremembering Dot (Milka's mum) who had gotten stressed and worried andactually ripped the end of her tail off by standing ont he tip, wedecided we'd just trim afew inches off the end! We also drenched Milka.I miss her. But I'm going to so out tomorrow as well. Her owner isgoing to have a go at milking her today.

The tart managed to jump the gate last night though. The gate that's astall as her! Her poor owners weren't prepared, and got the neighbour into help rig up some electric tape to stop her, only she went throughthat too. So they put up wire instead, and she got a good zap from thatand has left the gate alone since. Poor thing, I feel bad because Ireally didn't think she'd jump that high! I hope she'll be ok andsettle in quickly, because this isn't a great introduction to cows forthe new owners!!!

I finished my easter choccy just now. Fleck got a crumb of it the otherday and has been trying her hardest to intercept it on the way to mymouth ever since!

We went and saw our new house the other day again. Met the people whowe're buying it off. It was great, they've been there nearly 40 years,so it was good to know all the little quirks and stuff with the house.My room is bigger than I had remembered it, so that's great! I can'twait to get there now, only 16 days to go!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

That's it, I'm totaly gone now. I'll try to type through the tears, I dunno why, I just want to.

Went to see Milka and Tipster today, they got away with the neighbourspair of bulls again. They have free range over there of about 30 acres,so we went on a hunt. We found them, about as far away from our placeas you can get. It'd have taken several hours to try drag her backhome, so we went home and got the float and went around the bottom roadto pick her up there. We figured we weren't going to get Tipster backup anyway, so left him. We also figured we might as well taking Milkaout to her new home rather than take her home and have to load her upagain in afew days....

I wasn't ready. I thought I'd get a day with Milka up here before shewent to her new home. All of a sudden I don't have her anymore, andit's breaking my heart.

My sweety. She was an absolute stubborn cow to get into the float, butwe got there. Shat all over herself in there, but was ok. Took her outto her new home, her new kids came out running and calling hre name. Welet her go into her paddock, she wandered around bellowing her head offwhile we did the paperwork. I fought back tears numerous times, and Ispent ages standing and scratching her, fighting them back even more,until mum said we'd better go. I couldn't hold the tears once I wasgetting into the car, and balled my eyes out most of the way home.

I'm going out to see her tomorrow, which I'm really glad of. I won't beable to hold back the tears again probably, but I really want to seeher.

It's funny. She can be here at home, and I won't go and see her for aweek or so and it's fine. She's off the property for a couple of hoursand I miss her like crazy. I *really* didn't want to sell her. Stilldon't. I want my baby back! ::sob::

Monday, March 28, 2005

I am stuffed.
Had the show today, and Ifeel like it was a waste of time, but atleast we got out of the entryfees by saying we didn't want the prizemoney, so it didn't waste mymoney as well!

There was three of us and 6 classes. I got 6 third place ribbons.

Meh, I won heaps on my last show, and sometimes ya win and sometimes yaloose,but it still sucks, and I don't think I've lost *everything*before. I usually at least get a couple of different coloured ribbons.I never had a chance with that horse and that cart anyway. Of course noone else cared, they got 1st and 2nd, and the two wide ribbons (champand reserve champ).

Then my horse spooked hugely with the pipe band drums in the grandparade, we went for a nice weegallop before I managed to pull him up.*sigh*

My grandad had a dizzy spell, went to the hospital, isok,but has irregular heartbeat so they're thinking of a pacemaker orsomething.

I'm feeling tired, stressed, worried and totally dead on my seat.

I'm stuffing chocolate into my face as fast as it goes down..... Yes, it does help.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Exactly three weeks from today we'll be moving into our new house!

I'm still trying to get mum to ring the blimmin stock agent so that wecan confirm when the next sales are to sell Tipster, and then we'llknow when to take Milka to her new home too. I sorta want that done andsorted asap so I can stop worrying about it so much.

Got another horse show tomorrow I think, in middlemarch. It is soakingwet outside. Not really raining anymore, just very very soggyunderfoot. And what do I plan to do? Wash some horses to makeeverything even wetter! Yeah, we're nuts, but oh well!! lol! Not really any more shows left now, and we've had a really great season, so I'm happy.

Get to eat my easter egg tomorrow..... except I just realised I'll beat this blimmin horse show! Aw! Hmm, maybe I could brake my pact (towait until sunday) now! hehehe.

Everything is starting to go into boxes, mum is making her way throughthe house packing and leaving stacks of boxes with purple writingbehind her..... My room is still a shambles.

Friday, March 25, 2005

If you've come here from my site, then you'll know that there is rathermajor changes happening around here, not nessesarily all good either.

I am dedicated to my animals. I love them to bits. And I don't care what others think!

We have been renting this house and land for the past year, and now we have bought a house. A town house. No land.

I am thrilled we have a house, and I can't wait until we move. But I am devestated about the implications of having no land.

Milkais my cow. I saw her born, I raised her, I was there when she gotpregnant and I helped her have her first calf. I called her and she'dcome running, and I couldn't go into the paddock without expecting togive her hugs. I have had to sell her.

I have sold her to agreat family who will love her to bits. I have been asked to go andvisit them frequently to help them with their first cow and will stillhave alot of input in her life. But she's not mine anymore, which isbreaking my heart.

Her calf will be sent to the sale yards.

Ihave given away the hens and roosters to a couple of freinds, I am notworried about them so much, but I will miss having our green eggs.

Iwill be giving Blossom to a good freind. I will be seeing Blossom heapsstill, and she will always be kept as a pet. As I will only be givingher to them, she will still be free to take back if I ever get land inher lifetime. She is still mine.

Her lambs were sent to the sale yards and fetched a good price.

Edis and always will be mine, no matter where he lives. He will bestaying with freinds, I will be going to see him and still train andstuff.

Blaze the pigeon hasn't been seen in months.

Allthe other animals are coming with us. Jack the rabbit, Scamp and Possumthe rats, Riki and Lucy the dogs, Silky the cat, and Fleck thecockatiel.

Obviously there are huge updates I need to do on mysite, and basicly pages need to be deleted. I will get there, but atthe moment some of it still hurts too much.

The carriage drivingsection needs redone too. "zinny" mentioned on there was given backmonths ago, and the show season is pretty much over, with me having wonover 150 ribbons. I will get to that one day too.

In the mean time, I will fiddle with this forum a bit, see what I can play with. I will update pages when I can.

Right now, I will go and rescue my lunch from Fleck the cockatiel......


Well I added three new photos to myportfolio. Two of Fleck (on the animals page), and one of a random scene (on the places page)
that I took the other morning when I was bored and looking for photos....

Fleckis causing havoc as I type, mainly by pressing enter by standing on itand giving me huge page breaks in the middle of words! She's now tryingto stand on my very rounded curvy mouse, and slipping straight backdown the other side! lol!

Anyway, not alot to update. Gypsy fairwas on today, was wet and very soggy underfoot, but I wore my gumbootsso was quite happy! Mum bought me and her a poncho each, it's*gorgeous*,hand made in equador or something, from alpaca fleece, Ilove it!

Didn't work the horses today, too wet and soggy, and besides, the gypsy fair was calling! hehe.

Oh,andI just removed the carriage driving link on my site. I started by justtrying to edit it, but I butchered it and realised I hadn't really leftmuch of the original page left, so I think it sorta needs a majoroverhaul!! I'll re-do it and get it back up soon.

I also removed the chickens link. There wasn't much on it, and we've given them away now....

All the other pages have been updated a bit.

Check out the new photos, I'll keep it updated on here when there's new ones added.


Thursday, March 24, 2005

We had a regional holiday this week. Somesmart people are taking it off today or tuesday, making their easter weekend 5 days long!
Mum is taking it off today, and so she's started packing for the move.I *hate* packing! I haven't started, but I did start sorting stuff abit, and removing the piles of rubbish from my bedroom.... I then got sidetracked in rearanging Fleck's cage again, then went to town (yayfor the 1kg easter eggs!) and sorta haven't got back into it again yet......