Friday, April 29, 2005

Ok, it's entierly done and sorted and hopefully no more worried about it at all!!!!

Ed is very happy there, I can see him and Gollum (the shetland) becoming tight freinds, Oscar the donkey will make them the three musketeers! lol!! A grey donkey, bay shetland, and white (or supposed to be) mini, all of a similar size, they look neat out there!!

When we picked up Ed form Johannas, she wasn't there but Neil was. Loaded him up fine, went back to ask where his cover was, found it (on the ground outside soaking wet and smelling horrible *sigh*) then said to neil on the way back pst the houe that I'd come clean up the last of Ed's poo either that afternoon, or the next day at the latest...

Took him to his new home, let him go and he took off to scope out the new paddock. Gollum and Oscar wanted him to tlak to the, but he ignored them and walked around, they were hard on his heels and trying to stop him! lol! I set up the automatic payment for Rachel straight away so neither of us have to worry about it, she'll always get payed.

Got Benji to come up last night and have a look at the cart with me, the tires are a bit haddit, and one wheel needs looked at, but the whole things is pretty solid otherwise! It's awfully heavy, but once it's running it'll be good enough to play with before the SW cart arrives!

We went out yesterday afternoon, and didn't get back until tea time, when I took Ben up to see the cart, so I didn't get the time to go clean up Ed's poo at Johannas, so I planned to do it today, as I had told Neil. Got a message on the answer phone last night from Johanna asking when I'd come and clean up Ed's poo........ *sigh* I went and cleaned it up today as promised anyway. I was incredibly thorough, and didn't leave any behind, I'm sure. I don't want any problems!! I also pulled down the wee fence we had at first, made of my electric fence standards, gave back her one we'd also used, and the tape (propped them up by the main gate anyway; she'd left by then) and took my 10 that I'd bought. I sure hope she doesn't take that badly, they were always mine!

But anyway, it's all done now!! No more worries! :D :D I might just mention to Rachel though that if a Rebbecca turns up, then she's not allowed to know where Ed's halter is. She can pat and cuddle in the paddock, but no halter... Just in case!

I'm going to go see him tonight before heading 3 houses down the road (form where Ed is) to Donalds with dad for fish and chips! hehe.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I went to see Rachel yesterday, but she had gotten called out and wasn't there! Was probably good to wait another day, I was pretty stressed and worked up!

Went and saw her today though, and looks great! She has a Donkey and a shetland there for company for him (no more him being alone!) and it's a nice wee paddock next to her gallery, so people are coming and going and he'll get lots of attention from them! She's going to charge me $7 a week, which is fine by me because I spend over $10 a week going up to see him where he is now only 3 times a week! Now I'll be able to afford to see him every day because he's only half a minute up the road!!!!

But, the best bit is when I mentioned I have harness and am chasing up a cart, and she said she has an old cart she got for her old shetland but never used, it's in need of a bit of TLC, but it should be quite fixable, and I'll have a cart to use on Ed! She has a harness, but I didn't look at that, so not sure what it's like. I do have Ed's webbing harness anyway. She's happy for it to be used! My brother is a welder, so can do any work like that that might need done. The wood is pretty weathered, but might be ok until I can replace it. It might be a bit big for him, but it'll be better than nothing!!

I went to clean up Ed's paddock today, Johanna and Neil were out riding, so didn't see them. Came hom and left a message on their answer phone, and not long ago she rang back. We're all happy, it was a misunderstanding really, she had expcted me to clean her horses poo because mine was already done, as a sorta payment to them for having Ed, she probably still feels bad towards me that I didn't, but I could feel bad to her for expecting that from me when she never said it any other time. If she'd said first up that I could help out a bit for having Ed there I wouldn't think twice about it. Anyway, it's been and gone and done now, and Ed is going to Rachel's tomorrow morning!! :D :D :D And it means Rebbecca won't be pushing me to take over Ed...

I've seriously getting addicted to needle felting!!! I've made 2 teddies and a lion in three days...
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I'm seriously in love with my lion! He has the most gorgeous face!!!!
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I'm quite pleased with how his body worked out, it took some shaping to get it how I wanted, and I still didn't know if it'd be right....
Image hosted by

George is staying the night here. Mum is picking up fish and chips for us all now, so I'm going to go sort stuff so we can eat it asap!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Got a message on the answer phone to ring back Johanna. So I did. Turns out she's rather unhappy with my effort at picking up the horse poo in the paddock. The reason being I didn't know she wanted me to pick up all HER horses poo too!

Ok, here's what happened:
After I long reined Ed and came back, I set out to do what I actualy had gone there to do; pick up all Ed's poo in his paddock. Except Johanna told me that Rebbecca had already done it. (hmm, I won't comment...) So instead she says how I can come do some other bit or something. I wasn't sure what she was meaning, so just headed in her direction once I'd put Ed back. I was catching up to her and trying to hear what she was saying, we were in the paddock that Ed had gotten into in his first 2 days there before we gave up putting him back into the little area, and put him into the better fenced large area. This paddock is the one she has her two big thouroughbred type horses in during the day, they spend the rest of their time over in another paddock and just graze this one during the day.

Ok, so when I first took Ed up there over a week ago, he was in a small area, and when I went up the next day he had just gotten out of the small area and into this paddock, in the last 10 mins, so I put him back and sorted stuff, then left him. The next day Johanna told us she'd put him into the paddock he's in now, because he kept getting out, which is fine!

Anyway, I was trying to catch what Johanna was saying, something about this is where Ed was running around, so I was to pick up the poos here, she said something about how it's mainly her horses poos now though, but not sure of anything else. I certainly didn't get the impression I was to pick up all her horses poos in the whole paddock as well as Eds.

I cleaned up teh main bulk of the paddock, where Ed had been when he'd gotten out. I don't know, but I never thought he'd gone over where it narrows and has a 'gate' so I didn't go over there. The 'gate' is a single electric fence bungy thing at a hight higher than Ed is tall. So I had assumed he'd not gone over there, or he'd have gotten waaaaay out! I probably shouldn't have assumed I guess...? Anyway, I picked up about 30 of her horses poos, and 3 of Ed's; all the ones I could find in the main area of the paddock. I thought I was being so nice picking up all her horses poo! My arms and back and legs certainly weren't thanking me for it, and it turns out no one else is either.

Johanna said on the phone there was heaps of poo left in the paddock, and how she'd understood I was going to pick it all up but I hadn't, and I'd left soooooooo much behind. I asked where I'd missed (thinking of the area around the gate; I didn't go there so there could easily be alot of poo in that area I missed...?) but she said all over. Even load of Eddy poos. Then she said how she didn't ask Rebbecca to pick up Ed's poo in his paddock, but she'd said she could, and how the other option is for her to charge me for grazing and pick up all the poo herself if she had time, but she doesn't. I was a bit shocked, I never guessed, so I didn't say anything but sorry really, now when I think back, I wonder what the heck was up! I mean I'm more than happy to pick up my horses poo, I'd always agreed to that, they have never ever ever said anything about me picking up their horses poo. If she had asked me to today, I hadn't realised it. But why did I have to pick up all her horses poo? Ed was in that paddock for periods over 2 days, over a week ago, and her horses have been in it for most days all day long for over a week. It's not my fault someone else picked up my horses poo, so why am I suddenly in the bad books for picking up extra?

Ok, I can understand if she thought I was going to pick up all the poo and I didn't, so I am very sorry for that misunderstanding!! I had thought she wanted me to clean up Ed's poo, and I cleaned up alot of her horses poo while I was there so thought I was doing good.

But what is grating me is that why did she expect me to clean up all her horses poo in the first place? Ok, I'm freeloading off her for grazing, but she DID offer it, and said I was just to pick up Ed's poo twice a week...I do it quite happily every 2-3 days when I can afford to go up there. So why, when I didn't ask Rebbecca to pick up Ed's poo, do I now have to pick up her horses poo? Is she just finding me work to pay for the grazing, seeing I had 'missed out' on picking up Ed's and she wanted me to do some...? But then if that was the case, our plans of having him in the small area, and her saying he won't need his poos picked up at all in there meant I would have been doing nothing, and she was happy with that...

Maybe she was put out by me saying no today to Rebbecca taking Ed places...? Maybe Rebbecca was put out over me taking Ed out and not her, even after she'd cleaned his paddock...? Maybe Johanna is now feeling used and wants me paying my way a bit by helping out more...? If it's the last one, then I'm sorry, but She should say so directly! She offered the grazing with no strings attached, I would just pick up his poo from the paddock he's in now, is she changing the 'terms' on me maybe?

Ack, I dunno. I'm feeling pretty upset and put out by it all. I'm just hoping I can take Ed to Rachels tomorrow and stop this stuff from going on and getting into a good freindship! Then at least Rachel can become more of a 'buisness' relationship with me dealing with her simply for Ed, rather than making things akward between freinds...

I'll go up and drive past tomorrow. If Johanna's ute is there, I'll carry on. I don't think I could confront her yet. If it's not, I'll go in and talk to Neil, tell him I'm really sorry about the whole misunderstanding and I'll go pick up her horses' poo I missed if that's what she had wanted me to do. And I'll remind him of how I told him I was seeing grazing down here last week, and that I'm seeing her today and we might be moving him away anyway.... I dunno. I'll have to talk to Johanna anyway probably, because I'll be taking Ed away tomorrow wether she's there or not when I drive past! I think I'll be taking Ed away even if I can't take him to Rachels, and tether him here. Or see if Rachel will take him for a week or so until I get him more grazing in the neighbourhood. If THAT fails, he can go to Alex and Merrals, or to Margarets, or even HD's!

*sigh* why does it have to be so complecated! I miss having our own land even MORE now!!!

Anyway, on a good note, me and mum made our first felted teddies tonight:

(both pics the same teddy, I'll take pics of mums one tomorrow)

Monday, April 25, 2005

Ho Hum.
ANZAC day today, wear a poppy, "Lest We Forget" and all that jazz. Public holiday anyway, so slept in with Dave! hehe

Been a rather 'meh' day. Had KFC for breakfast/lunch, been at home hanging around not doing much.

Went up to see Ed and clean out his paddock, only to find Rebbecca walking him out the gate!! Bloody hell. She had rung me (never met her, just a freind of Johanna, who's grazing him for me) and asked if she could muck around with him IN THE PADDOCK and put her 18 month old son on him or something. I said it was fine. But taking him out, without asking me, just whenever she wants.... It really grated me and I'm too nice to say "piss off and leave MY horse alone!" Anyway, she said how she was just going to take him for a walk along the road. So I said how I had come to long rein him along the road, and so got him back off her before they got anywhere. And so, I long reined him along the road for a bit, went for a wee jog with him (whew, I need to get fitter!) and had fun. Rebbecca was pulling away as we were nearly back, so I was happy. Until I got back.... Johanna, who had just seen off Rebbecca, then said how it'd be great for Ed to go to pony club and do stuff like that, Rebbecca will be able to do that. And she wants to take him to *somewhere* (didn't catch where) with her. If I want of course! I said no, I'd rather she didn't actually, I'd rather he stayed here with me!! (yay for me! I said "NO" for a change! lol)
Anyway, Johanna is great, and I like her and all, but she really grated me too. She how it'd be good for kept saying how it'd be good for Ed to go out and do more and how he'd love it and it's be sooooo good for him, because I can't do stuff every day with him, and he could do more then, and do stuff he's never done before and he'll never get a chance otherwise, and it's a great idea!
Ed is my horse and I said NO! I only can't come and see him every day at her place because it absolutly eats my petrol going up that hill all the time and I can't afford it! And if Rebbecca wants to have a little horse for her son so much, she should buy one herself, there's lots of them around and they're a pretty decent price too! *sigh* Ok, I'm being selfish, but dammit he's my horse and I'm allowed! He's the only thing I have left, I had to sell my cow and the chooks and Blossom, Ed is still mine!
She asked if she could play with him in the paddock. She never asked if she could take him out. She never rang up to arrange to take him out or anything. Just because he's at someone elses house, doesn't mean they have the right to just do what they want with him without talking to me! Oh, I know she won't take him to pony club or whatever without asking me, but now I'm really worried... where will she draw the line if she said the paddock before, but is taking him along the road now...? I hate assumptions, she obviously assumes it's fine. *sigh*

Annnyway! A freind had said afew times how there was a lady up the road from here that might be able to graze him. I'd said it doesn't really matter, because I already had grazing for him sorted. But then last week, I was thinking otherwise when I realised the amount of petrol I was using! Today has made me want him closer as well, so I rang them, and got the lady's number and then rang her. Her name is Rachel, she lives about 2 mins up the hill, and has an art gallery there. I talked to her, she has a donkey of her own, and there's a shetland grazing there and someone else is getting a horse who'll graze there, but she thinks Ed would be ok there too. I'm going to go and see her tomorrow anyway, so we'll see.
If I can move Ed there, it'd be brillient, I won't use up so much petrol, so even if she asks for some payment, I'll still be saving! :D AND, it'll hopefully mean Rebbecca will leave him alone or at least I'll have more say with her not knowing Rachel... And like I said, I really like Johanna, so I really don't want to stuff up anything there!! I know she thinks it's a great idea, but I don't, and I don't want to be making things akward, so I think it might be best for him to move anyway... If this grazing with Rachel doesn't work out, I might go door knocking, there's alot of paddocks just up the hill that'd be really handy, and someone might not mind a wee horse in one!

I talked to the saddlery warehouse last week about the carts they're getting in. They were rather unhelpful, but then I've found out more from a freind, so I'm going to ring them again tomorrow and see what else I can get from them! A cart for Ed would be just awesome!!! I'd have to adapt his harness, but I think I could do it... Long reining is great, but really I'm not as fit as I could be and can only jog for half a km before going back to a walk! Ed could trot for 5 km probably, and he could DO with trotting for 5km to loose some weight!!

Also tomorrow I've got an appointment with WINZ. They might put me on a course or something, we'll see. It's about time I got off my ass anyway!

So, tomorrow I'll ring the saddlery warehouse, and go to WINZ. I might buy some wormer for Ed, and I need a light bulb for the lamp in my room, so I should get that too. Then I'll be meeting Rachel and seeing her place and if it'll be any good for Ed! :)

Oh! I added a shoutbox on my website too! People will be able to post messages on it randomly! cool hu... Thanks to Nutmeg who found it for me, it was easy and fast, and is awesome! hehehehe.

Whew! Marathon typing!!!! lol!!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

zzzzz, I feel like falling asleep now. I will soon, it's after 1am.

Had a BRILLIENT day though!

Last night, I stayed at Margarets, and this morning I got up at 6:30am to feed the 3 horses and sort stuff out, and by 7:30am we had everything loaded and we were on the road for invercargil. We took Flash, Legend, and Dude. We stopped at Michaels to drop of harness and gig bits, and to pick up Bubbles, who has been at the stud for ages, and Snip, who we just bought. We also bought his covers and gorgeous harness! (note now we have 5 horses on the truck... we left home with 3...)

Anyway, we then hurried out to (a different) Margarets and picked up our new colt we'd bought; Heart Breaker (six horses!) then hurried back to the racecourse to get there right on time at 12 noon.

Threw covers off, and harness on, and put on my colours/silks and we warmed up. Walked around the birdcage and sorted our order and stuff while waiting for our cue, then headed out. After more warming up and stuff, we went around the track to the far side; 500 metres from the finish line. Last years winner had a 20m handycap, and the rest of us except the single category A had a 10m handycap. I was third from the rail. They waved the flag, I happened to be glancing at something as it waved, so took off a tad after, but only a slight bit, because Flash started running when everyone around him suddenly moved! hehe. Took a bit to pull him back, because he didn't realise why everyone had suddenly run, I dunno maybe he thought we were all running FROM something and it need a full out gallop..... Anyway, pulled him back to a canter and then to a trot. I had to saw his mouth to do it though, he was fully prepared to just run! He broke from a trot to a canter about 4 times there in the start, but each time was shorter, until he remembered all that training and that he's only to trot, and if he trots, he gets to go as fast as he wants and NO pulling on his mouth... soooooo, he got into a realy nice fast trot and pulled ahead with another mini, catching up to the categoryA one, I was on the outside of the bend, the catA on the inside ahead, and the other mini inside me, she pulled out to go around him, as did I, as we were gaining on him. His horse pulled away from the rail, the horse inside me went for the gap, the gap on teh rail got wider so me and Flash pushed through, and that was the last I saw of anyone, as we were then ahead and just hooning along the straight and I wasn't looking back to see how close others were! I won the race!

I have been buzzing about it all day, just made me feel sooooo great! We saw the prizes before the race so we could choose when the race was done (1st place got first choice, 2nd got second pick, etc) and I picked a horse head hanging thingy with hooks.... looked neat, and all the other choices were FOR horses (hay bag, wormer, whip, cover, etc) and I did like the horse head thingy.... There was a trophy, not sure if it's for Margaret (being the owner) or me (being the driver) but I'll know tomorrow. Everyone got a beenie and prize money/vouchers (1st, 2nd, 3rd got more I think...?) and a choice in the prizes. Margaret will get the prize money, I'll get my prize I chose and the beenie, we'll see with the trophy. Who cares; I WON! :D :D

Anyway, we unloaded the 6 horses and left basicly, we'll unpack the truck tomorrow. I left, came home, got ready, and then we had our housewarming party! Was great, me and mum have worked out there was at least 27 people who came, although some only popped in and left again!! It was a succesful night though, and now I'm TIIIIIIIIIIIRED.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Well,I'm chatting to some chick from Finland. The kids are about to be picked up by their father for dinner, and mum is going to meet some new bloke once they're gone.

Fleck still needs those extra feathers trimmed, but I haven't gotten around to it... she might be lucky and be allowed the little bit of flight she can get... At the moment she's playing with the hair tie that's around her perch and asking to be let out!

The neighbour from up the road cmae again. I can't remember her name, but her dog is called Holly!! lol! She seems really nice, which is great! Riki is a toad though, and was running around Holly growling and being stupid! Lucy ran at Holly and barked, but pretty much ignored her then.

The kids have gone now, and mum is just leaving. Yay! Home alone in the new house for the first time! hehe.

Oh! Kate on LSB sent me my LSB t-shirt which I got today! yay! I took a photo of me in it, but when I thought I'd put it onto the computer then deleted it off the camera, turned out i'd taken OTHER photos off the camera, so I have lost the pic. Grr. I'll have to take another one and send it to Kate. :)

I could go out to Margarets, but it's windy and not all that warm, so I might flag it today and go out tomorrow. I'll have to go tomorrow anyway, I think I'm staying tomorrow night so we can leave early for the races on saturday...

I'll be happy once the race is over. I love driving the horses, but keeping them in work for the past month or so just for the one race is a bit silly. Poor things need a good break! And while we're down there we're going to pick up Bubbles from the stud, hopefully she's in foal (woohoo!) and pick up HeartBreaker from his place where he's not long been weaned! Can't wait to get him here, it'll be neat! He can go with Dusty and Freddybear, all three need loads of handling and lessons on proper horse behaviour! Freddybear is a rig still too, so he can't be in the main herd once Bubbles gets back, incase she's not in foal and he trys! HeartBreaker is a colt too, so he'll be fine with freddybear.

I need to clean out the rat cage, I havent' done it today yet! I might just do that now...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

7 new photos in the animal section of my portfolio/gallery, 1 new horse photo, and 6 new 'places' photos!

Just had some freind of mum's here for lunch, scared her with the rats (hehe!) The dogs got through the fence into the neighbouring overgrown section, but haven't tryed again. I've been taking photos all morning, rang the girls at margarets several tiems but they're not answering.

WINZ rang me up this morning. I'm surprised they've left me for so long! I've got to go in and see him next tuesday at 1pm. *sigh* I DO want a job, but I HAVE been slack about looking!

Rosalie has been an absolute bitch today. Sorry for anyone who doesn't like it, but there's no other word for it!! But thank goodness she's just gone home with mum's freind and her kids, and is supposably staying the night. YAY!

I'm just waiting for all the photos to get uploaded to my gallery... It's a long slow process, but at least the connection IS a bit faster here than it was at our old place! It's a 49k connection now! Wow, that's the fastest I've ever had it at home! Woohoo! (lol!)

Ok, all the photos and HTML is uploaded, now go check out my latest photos!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's stressful, but several times a day, I can't help but grin to myself; WE'RE HERE! We have our own house at last!

Unpacking, sorting, carting... It seems never ending, but I'm sure the piles are getting smaller!

The rats are happy in teh warmth a bit more, Fleck is coping fine with clipped wings. The dogs are fast asleep on my bed, so I'd say they're happy... lol!

I went out and worked Flash tonight, I haven't been out in ages (or it feels like ages!) cos of this blimmin moving, but it was good to get out and work him again. The race is this weekend!

Sunday, April 17, 2005


I'm soooooooooooo tired right now! We're in, things are still in boxes, but there's more things out of them now than the was yesterday. Still the boxes seem never ending. Actually we were rather slack, sat and looked at our view, talked, dreamed, THEN continuted unpacking..... :)

I clipped Fleck's wings, she's moulting now so it won't last long! Lucy (dog) is curled up alseep beside my bed. Riki (other dog) is curled up asleep ON my bed! hehe. Oh!!! It was soooooooo nice to have Riki in bed with me again!! I slept with her in my bed every night for 5 years straight, then we moved to our old place and the dogs weren't allowed inside, so for the past year I've missed it heaps, having her last night was great. :D

I'm nearly asleep on the keyboard now though... zzzzzz

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Whew! We're all moved in to our new house!
We're all stressed and feeling highly strung, but we're here.

We got the keys and it was ours yesterday. We bought a couple of loads over in our cars, and hung around day dreaming...

The house is a 4 bedroom 1914 villa. We're only the 4th owners, so that says alot in itself! It is on a 931 square metre section on a hill with a view. Not as brillient a view as I'm used to, but I'm very happy there's a view at all. I couldn't stand being cooped up in a little place that looks out onto the neighbours clothesline or something!

We had the use of my freind's (who I do the carriage driving for) 15 foot covered trailer, which we got on wednesday and loaded up ready for moving this morning when they came with the four wheel drive. Our street is steep and narrow. It was misty and drizzling this morning, and a truck had spilt diesel afew days ealier, so it was a mission to get it up, even just the wee way to our drive! And blocks were nessesary under the wheels of the trailer and 4WD, because they were sliding downhill...!

Anyway, after most of it all fell out, we got it all unloaded and got back for anther load. Got that all loaded, and another friend turned up with their flat deck truck, and we loaded that up too. Had fun unloading it all, and there was only one more load left for the flat deck and it's all here. Gee, I could have sworn we didn't have THAT MUCH stuff!!!

It's all here at any rate. Most of it is in the 2-3 car garage/basement, but we'll sort that, as long as it's here. The piano was fun to move, but we got it!

My rats are back in my bedroom (YAY! despite what others may think... ) and my cockatiel is demanding to be let out, but she'll have to wait until I clip her wings again or she'll be impossible. The dogs are back inside the house, one of them is asleep at my feet. Both them and me are incredibly happy to have them back inside the house. The one asleep at my feet is the one that has had three neighbour complaints at around this time of the day; because she whines and grizzles constantly even when she's been fed... All I hear is the big contented sigh.

We met a neighbour yesterday, and another neighbour came around about 20 mins ago with a hot apple pie!! We're going to put a note in all the neighbours mailboxes, with a pic of us, the dogs and the cat, and an invite to our housewarming party next weekend. Anyone on here is welcome to come too!

I was incredibly grumpy earlier, I can't even remember why, but it was nothing. Now I'm grinning and bouncing about the place. Stress doesn't work well on me! I've yet to make my bed again (big pile of blankets on it) but the rest of the room is basicly sorted... I'm going to put a book shelf on the wall, and I'll have to put up my 150+ ribbons from the horse shows, and there's alot of stuff I might store down in the basement, but otherwise I'm actually relativly sorted! lol!

Oh the joys of moving house.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Tomorrow!!! Tomorrow!!! Tomorrow!!!
We get our house tomorrow!!!

Sorry, not alot else fits in my mind at the moment! hehe.

Went to see Ed this morning, the brat was running around the big paddock haven't a great time... Put him back, made sure he got his nose zapped, and we'll see if he gets out again...

Spent an hour at the botanical gardens taking photos, dunno why, just cow I wanted to.

Been reading in the sun a bit this afternoon, it was lovely, I haven't done it in ages!! hehe. Dogs, sun, comfy seat, good book.... mmmmmmmm

Then I checked the oil, battery water, and engine water of my car, I'll fill it up with petrol, and it'll be all set for running around this weekend.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Well, my keyboard is sounding rather loud and echo-ey, and Fleck's sqwarks can be piercing now, because my room is all packed up and feels awfully empty!!!

Ok, so I've still got bits to pack yet, my books and computer and afew things, but it's mainly all packed!

Ed went to Johanna's the other day, I'll have to go and check on him... Stupid car, it uses more petrol than my old one, and it's got a smaller engine!! *sigh*

Took some photos if Fleck flying today, she had her face fluffed up and looked sooooooooo silly!!

Got the gig trailer from Margarets, so I should really start loading some stuff into it.

I'm all over the place, I can't focus on one thing, it's exciting! We get the keys and the house is OURS in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *woohoo*


Monday, April 11, 2005

Check it out! I changed my banner thingy at the top! *yay* What do you all think? Gee it took a bit of adapting to get it right! At first I just made it a background for the original title and description, but it looked funny. So, I got rid of the description, and
::edit snip::
I have now tweaked the template code some more, and made it so the title doesn't have to show at all (just my banner, no title :D), and I also made the banner show larger.
::end edit snip::
I had to edit the window title thing or else it called it "." but that's easy enough!
I put my logo on the far right, green of course to go with the layout, and put my chosen title in my chosen text on my banner, it looks much cooler than it used to! No, I'm not sure why I put lines and stars... they just looked cool!
I'm very happy with it... Comments are welcome!

Slept in until 10am, then went and bought a bundle of 10 electric fence temporary standard thingys, and headed up to Johanna and Neils, where Ed will be going.
Johanna had today off, so worked out great! Neil was busy polishing their new ute, so I took Johanna down to the supermarket, and took a detour around past our new place so she could see!

Then we moved the trough through the fence, filled it (a long process involving hold my thumb on the other hole so it'd go the right way...) sorted a small patch with the fence standards I'd just bought, got the battery electric fence thing and hooked it up, tryed again, and evetually got it working. Ed has a new wee spot all ready for him when we take him tomorrow! :D

We'll go and buy a reel of tape and some more standards and we'll fix it so we can break/strip feed him (WAY too much grass for a fat boy at once!) but at least there's a wee patch for him for now.

Still trying to chase up the saddlery warehouse about the carts, I've had no reply to my last two emails! grr

I'm going to see what editing I can do with this blog.... could be fun!

Mum is out picking up Kenneth from someone's house, and is coming home with fish and chips. Yay, I'm hungry! hehe!

only 4 days till settlement, 5 till we move!!! I'm hoping they get the settlement done asap on friday, so we get the keys and can go to the house! I'm probably going to move the rats and Fleck on friday, along with anything else I want to, maybe even the computer, and then everyone else can move everything else with the gig trailer and cars and stuff.... Mum wants to be here, and me to be there, so that with the number of people going backwards and fowards, that we both know what things go where, so can sort it all!! The mum can load, and I'll unload, and hopefully it'll all be done in a couple of hours!! *woot*

Sunday, April 10, 2005

well, I came here (, and found I had an old account from about 2 years ago that I had never used. Played around, and I find I MUCH prefer this blog to my old barnblog one, and so I have moved all my posts from my old blog to here (just as well I hadn't been there long!) and I've got THIS blog now!
I'm trying to log into my FTP client, but it's not letting me. I need to upload my site pages with the updated link to here... *sigh*

Oh, today was great. Not sure why, it just was! Went out to Margarets around 10:30-ish. Cleaned out the gig trailer so we can use it to shift with on saturday (thank you Margaret and John!) and bought the horses in to harness up. Jaimee bought cracker with her, so it was Kirsten with Legend, Margaret was driving the pair, Jaimee had cracker, and I was driving Flash. We went out in the paddock, then along the road and back, just for the heck of it! Then finished drenching those we'd missed, the family came to pick up Goldie who they were buying. Storm was bought this morning, but she'll be picked up later. Added another two horses for sale on trademe, and added a cart there too...

Only 5 days until we get settlement, 6 days until we move! Can't wait!!!!!!!


Saturday, April 09, 2005

it's sorted, the forms are in, so we're moving in a WEEK! YAY!
The chooks have gone to their new homes last night, Blossom when theother night, there's only Ed who will probably go tomorrow. Then it'sjust packing! *woot*

Gotta go sort which paddock Ed will be in, and have to go out anddrench a couple of dozen horses, but otherwise i have no plans fortoday. *sigh* a saturday with nothing happening would be nice... one day...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Down to the single digits; only nine days until we move!!!
But ack, mum tells me the bank is stuffing us around with some new infothat has to go into documents around the country and stuff, so if theydon't hurry up it might be longer than 9 days.....

Blossom the sheep is going to her new home tonight. I cleaned out thehorse float for her today, and we'll take her out there once mum getshome this evening. Then there's only Ed and the chickens to go!

I'm yet to pack my room...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Fleck, my cockatiel, lost afew feathers theother day, and now has brand new ones coming through, so she's allitchy. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the start of her first moult,and they can get crabby when they moult. *sigh*
But at the moment, she has found just how MUCH she loves scritches! Sheis absolutly begging for me to rub her head and neck. Under her jaw,around her ears (making her yawn!), absolutly anywhere as long as I am somehow making contact with her!!She sat for half an hour getting cuddles and scritches. How can youpossibly resist a tiny ity bity wee bird bowing it's head to you!?hehe, I love it!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I added the flame pics, as well as a number of horse pics and one pics of Fleck to my photo gallery...

Went in to a freinds photography studio today, and asked what ideas they have for me. Suggested the local news paper, I went there and they said nope, not unless you're doing a course. Got another couple of suggestions though, so we'll see.

Got the dog loo from the same person I got the gentle leaders off today. Just a buckety thing that gets buried in the ground with special stuff that breaks down the poo, just chuck the poo in the top. Should be good, as long as it works well! hehe.

Worked Flash today, he's a hoon, I can't wait until the race! We put the two black minis in harness together as a pair for the first time today, yay! We walked beside as well as drove them at first, but they were going great, I got several pics, but I can't be bothered adding them now. Margaret also bought two more minis!!

Dave lost is keys, so he's locked out of his car (that has his wallet in it) and the house! There are NO spare keys to his car, so not sure what he'll do about that. His dad and brother and stuff have keys to the house, so not such a problem there. Poor thing!

I'm bored. My car guzzles petrol twice as much as my old one, which sucks cos it's a smaller engine!

Fleck tryed to eat my kfc that I had for tea.

Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm just feeling good. No paticular reason.

I went for a 40 min walk with the dogs, it's blustery and cold, but wasquite refreshing to walk in, it wasn't too warm and it wasn't raining!I LOVE the gentle leaders I got them last week though, it makes such adifference in going for a walk!!! Neither of our dogs drag you alongthe footpath. They're both fairly well behaved, and will walk with youfine. But they would keep aconstant pressure on the lead. Riki, my wee foxy girl, would pull quitea bit, but being so little you can be inclined to not worry about it,as it doesn't drag you or anything. But it's darn annoying! One big dogkeeping up pressure, and a little one jerking about the place. It was'ok', but not ideal. Now we're moving to a town house, we won't havethe paddocks to run the dogs in, so we're going to have to take upwalking more. So I figured I'd buy a pair of gentle leaders. I wasactually going to buy Haltis, I don't know why but I thought I preferedthem, even though they're the same thing just different brands!!
In the shops, gentle leaders are $33 and $34 (small size and mediumsize) but I found them online for $20 each, so stopped 'thinking' aboutgetting them, and blimmin well GOT them!! lol! A purple one for Riki,and a blue one for Lucy. :)
First walk with them, and both dogs were dancing a bit, they justdidn't know what the heck was happening with their noses! I did a fewadjustments along the way too, as it was a little tight on them forthem to open their mouths properly to pant, but that was easy fixed.After some dancing, they walked along fine. Still some pressure though,but better than it had ever been, yay!
Second walk, much the same, with less dancing. Then all of a sudden itclicked! They were walking on a totally loose lead right beside me! YAY!
The third walk today was just as good. Still the dancing (even breiferthis time though) and the pressure (again, less this time) and then theloose lead. It just makes it soooooooooooooo much nicer to walk them! Like I said,they were never horrible to walk, just annoying so you didn't reallywant to walk them lots. But wow, I'm really happy to walk them now,it's just so EASY. I get to walk along as if I'm alone and havenothing. Just swing my arms and walk, while the dogs come too. I'mloving it!

Went out and milked Milka today. Dunno why, but it was just really niceand easy today. Maybe she let down for me well or something, but itjust worked out well!

Went and saw Margaret who came hjome lsat night, it was good to see heragain. I helped her put afew horses up online for sale....

Just had a good day....

Sunday, April 03, 2005

WHAT happened to summer!? I don'tthinkwehad one this year.... ok, os we had a month of summer a whileback,butthat's it. It's sorta sunny right now, but it feels like wintercosthesun isn't hot...

I'm bored. I have no money so I can't afford to go out and work the horses today, maybe tomorrow. Grr.

Wentoutlast night to the pubs, haven't been out in months. I'mnotmissinganything! It was good to get out, but yeah, went homefairlyearly cosit was boring.

13 days until we move!!!!!

Blossomisgoing to her new home thurs or fri. Dunno when we'll take Edtoourfreinds, but that's not a hassle at all cos it's only 10 minsaway.Thechickens will be leaving when we get around to it, hopefullythisweekso we can clean out their shed this weekend. Then it's only acaseofsorting stuff to be moved in 13 days! yay!

Can you believemymost exciting thing today was uploading the photosfrom my cameraandfinding that I *LOVE* them! hehe. I got bored at mydad's, andtookphotos of the open fire...... All I can say is WOW! Ilove theeffect Igot.....

I added the flame pics, as well as a number of horse pics and one pics of Fleck to my photo gallery...

Went in to a freinds photography studio today, and asked what ideasthey have for me. Suggested the local news paper, I went there and theysaid nope, not unless you're doing a course. Got another couple ofsuggestions though, so we'll see.

Got the dog loo from the same person I got the gentle leaders offtoday. Just a buckety thing that gets buried in the ground with specialstuff that breaks down the poo, just chuck the poo in the top. Shouldbe good, as long as it works well! hehe.

Worked Flash today, he's a hoon, I can't wait until the race! We putthe two black minis in harness together as a pair for the first timetoday, yay! We walked beside as well as drove them at first, but theywere going great, I got several pics, but I can't be bothered addingthem now. Margaret also bought two more minis!!

Dave lost is keys, so he's locked out of his car (that has his walletin it) and the house! There are NO spare keys to his car, so not surewhat he'll do about that. His dad and brother and stuff have keys tothe house, so not such a problem there. Poor thing!

I'm bored. My car guzzles petrol twice as much as my old one, which sucks cos it's a smaller engine!

Fleck tryed to eat my kfc that I had for tea.